search engines

AdWords Express: Google Blue Pin Vs. Red Pin in Google Maps

Have you done a Google search only to wonder what the meaning is behind the Google blue pin and Google red pins that mark a map?

If you have a storefront business you can’t ignore the power of Google.  A Google search can bring a customer right to your door! Now Google has added more definition to their search results.  When you claim your local business listing in Google Places ( web users will see a red landmark “pin” on Google maps and at the top of the search results. If you haven’t claimed your business listing then put it on your “must-do” list.  You can bet that your competitors are in Google Places and are already being seen in the search results.

Not only can you claim your Place, but Google has now made it easier to climb in ranking in the search results.  Create a Google ad for your business and when it’s found in a Google search, web users will now see a Google blue pin on the map. The Google blue pin is now another way to move your business into a more visible position in the search results and reach more web users.

Vanessa Wood

I'm Vanessa Wood. I was an early adopter of WordPress and continue to build beautiful WordPress websites in CT. I'm working directly with clients and through marketing agencies to create new highly customized, business WordPress websites. I knit while I'm on hold and listen to punk rock.

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