Welcome to Design to Spec LLC located in Newtown CT. I’m the owner, Vanessa Wood, a WordPress web designer. I’ve lived and worked in Fairfield County, CT for more than 15 years.  I’ll bring to your website project knowledge of current web technology as well as the tried and true techniques of mastering an online business.

You’ll see the goldfish on our site. It’s a reminder that we provide friendly service without all the geek-speak that can make websites confusing.


We are working with clients today who we were working for 10 years ago. Web designers come and go in CT. I’m often contacted by new clients whose designer has disappeared, gone out-of-business or simply stopped returning phone calls or emails. First-time WordPress business owner sometimes start their site with the help of a family member who may not have the time or skill set to complete the project. Design to Spec LLC is a full-time web design and WordPress coaching business located in Newtown, CT (Fairfield county).


In Fairfield County, there’s the need for high-quality web design and reliable WordPress development for the savvy Connecticut marketplace. Many of my website clients are national personalities  featured in the New York Times and on national TV shows like Today, CNN, and Good Morning America. When you’re drawing the world to your website it needs to look good and it needs to be reliable.

Heart of a Teacher

When working in the corporate world, Vanessa was involved in converting from paper systems to computer databases as well as incorporating online enhancements into day-to-day functions. WordPress was born out of the need for a D.I.Y. website management program. Vanessa coaches clients through the obstacles of building and managing a WordPress website.


Fairfield County website clients often need a website up and running quickly to launch a new business or promote a timely project. Design to Spec has met these needs not just once, but over and over for more than a decade.


Your website is about your business and Design to Spec provides insights to assist you online from the experience of working with many diverse clients. I create a safe environment to discuss the ups and sometimes the downs of your business. You will not be judged. Knowing your goals and the obstacles your business faces helps Design to Spec create a website that better meets the needs of your Fairfield County business.

Would you like to know what our clients say about working with Vanessa and Design to Spec? Visit LinkedIn.

Design to Spec llc