I’ve had several questions about the GoDaddy login for Managed WordPress websites.
The GoDaddy login option is unique for Managed WordPress websites hosted by GoDaddy. It gives the user the option to login using either their GoDaddy account login credentials or their WordPress username and password. I’ve heard from clients that they would like to remove the GoDaddy login option. I’ve also heard suspicions that GoDaddy is doing this to track users.
The GoDaddy login option can’t be removed. If the website is transferred to a new hosting company it won’t be there.
The GoDaddy login option is an extension of an option that has existed for quite some time. Users have been able to use their WordPress login or they can login into the dashboard of their GoDaddy account and enter their WordPress website dashboard.
Why does GoDaddy have this login method? It’s not totally unique to GoDaddy–other hosting companies provide a login method through their C-Panel dashboard. It’s a convenience for advanced users who are handling complex WordPress features and functions, such as working on the database.
For WordPress website owners it can help if you’ve you don’t have your password. I’m guessing GoDaddy takes a lot of phone calls from people who’ve forgotten or lost their WordPress password. Even with a lost password the website owner can access their site.
To access your Managed WordPress website through GoDaddy you can login at https://yourwebsite.com/wp-admin or you can follow these instructions to login to your website on your GoDaddy dashboard
- Login to GoDaddy.com
- Click on your name in upper right corner of screen
- Select and click on “My Products” link
- Scroll down the page to “Managed WordPress” and click on the “manage all” link
- On the right side of your domain you’ll see 3 dots “. . .“, click on them to open menu box. Select “WP Admin”
- You are now in your WordPress Dashboard