We’ve lived through a pandemic, a whacky U.S. economy, and just a tad of social change. So what if you want to start down a different road with your blog content? Do you need a new blog and new website address? Maybe. Or, can you make a switch with your current blog? I’d like to …
9 Easy Steps to Delete YouTube Video in 2018
Do you need to delete a YouTube video but need instructions? I recently found that I had a video that had not aged well. If found lots of what claimed to be easy steps to delete youtube video, however none of them looked like the 2018 YouTube pages. Before you delete YouTube video look back …
Check Your WordPress Plugins for FLASH
Just when I think I’m done writing about FLASH I’m at it again! Your WordPress site may have a FLASH problem.
How to Put a YouTube Video on WordPress Page or Post
Figuring out where to insert a YouTube video on WordPress is a mixture of art and science. First, you need to use some imagination. Would the video look better embeded before your post’s text or between a break in paragraphs? In this sample (below), I would like to insert the video after an end of a paragraph. …