LinkedIn is an easy and effective way for Writers to stay connected with their associates in the industry. Writing is both a service (ghost writer, journalist, etc.) and a product (published articles, new book, etc.). While LinkedIn won’t put a download a book, it’s an important tool for Writers to build a network of colleagues …
Good Email Address Format Is A Key to Great Mailing List
I help clients set up their website to work with their mailing list. Lead generation is a very important function of a business website, however I’ve had several clients who come to me with gi-normous mailing lists. One list was 10,000 names. They thought their email blasts and e-newsletters were being delivered to 10,000 individuals until they upgraded to …
Constraint: It Can Make Internet Marketing Easier
Tim Brown, CEO at IDEO posted on LinkedIn today: “Instead of accepting a given (design) constraint, ask whether this is the right problem to be solving.” Constraint? It sounds so… confining. It got me thinking about how constraint is construed as a bad thing. We want the world and we want it now—no constraints.
Be Prepared to Communicate… and to Keep Communicating With Your Web Visitors
Straight out of the Scout manual… Be Prepared. It may be the motto for the Boy Scouts, however it’s a motto to adopt if you want to engage with your web visitors and generate new business. Here are 5 tips you can prepare right now so the next website contact you get won’t me a …